About Me

Hey Everyone,

Welcome to my Blog! My name is Hannah, and I'm a young aspiring writer and film/movie maker. This blog is intended to give glory to the God of the Bible and just share some of my writings, videos, photography, and crazy life moments.

Now I was hoping to have this post out just before New Years, but life got busy. So the reason why I started this blog was in hope of "starting over" and be able to actually do the things I love, and still be able to share them with the people I know and have yet to meet. So if I know you, then "Hello, I'm glad you decided to stop by and check out what I'm doing with my life when I'm not with you!". If you're new and I don't know you then "Welcome here, I look forward to 'getting to know you'. And I appreciate that you took the time to check out my crazy life. I hope you can handle it!".

I should probably mention that I consider my family, friends, and now viewers/followers very important and that anything cruel or mean directed towards anyone posted about on here or other viewers will not be tolerated. Everyone is different. We all have different views, different styles, different goals/dreams, and different lives. So unless it's something illegal or actually bad then we have no reason to judge them because that's not our place.

Anyhow, I think I will end this rant here. If you stuck around and finished reading this then hopefully you will continue to stay and join me on my life adventures. Talk to you all soon!

In Christ's Love,
Hannah G.
xoxo <3


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