I Snow You

Hello Everyone,

I know, I know. This should have been out on Valentine's Day, but school got busy and it took me longer than expected to finish writing the story. Oh yeah, I guess I should have mentioned... I wrote a story. A "love story" to exact. I don't how good it is, but hopefully you'll will like it.

It's a "Miah Faye York short". Miah is a fictional character I made up several years ago who I'm finally writing stories for. I'm working on an actually book series, but until then enjoy the shorts. Anyhow on to the story. Enjoy!

In Christ's Love,
Hannah G
xoxo <3

I Snow You

Miah Faye York sighed as she looked out of the cabin window longingly. It was early spring and there was little snow left on the ground from winter. But despite that she and her good friend, Holmes Christiansen had decided to go on a skiing trip up the mountain. Their friends Bethany and Cody were supposed to meet them up there in two days. However, their plans had been foiled due to a sudden, unexpected blizzard.
“You know, staring out the window won't make the snow stop right?” teased Holmes walking into the room. He grabbed a book off the shelf and went to sit down next to Miah.
“umhum….” mumbled Miah. Though she continued to stare out the window, watching the blizzard outside.
“Why don't you read a book or something?” suggested Holmes in hopes of distracting Miah from her disappointment. “who knows maybe you'll find a mystery in one of those old albums we found here.”
“Perhaps.” pondered Miah turning around to face her friend. She curled her legs up, hugging her knees as she stared at Holmes who was reading his book beside her quietly. “Actually, I think I will.” added Miah after a few moments thought.
“Good” said Holmes looking up at Miah, meeting her gaze. “What?”
“N...nothing.” stammered Miah quickly getting up, “I'm going to go look at those albums.” with that she walked into the adjoining bedroom and grabbed three albums off the nightstand before curling up on the bed.
The albums were filled with pictures of all the people who had stayed in the cabin since it used to be a part of a lodge. Some pictures even went all the way to the 1980s. The cabin still had the same layout, but it had been renovated with all modern appliances, walls, and floors. However, the vintage furniture remained and was in surprisingly immaculate condition despite all the years of use.
For the next few hours Miah was kept busy scanning through all the pictures. But nothing seeming to call out mystery. Although there was one thing that puzzled her. Each of the older pictures from the 1980s through to the late 1990s had a series of numbers on the back of the photo. She assumed that it had to do with dates, but some were too long to be a date. So, as normal Miah’s curiosity got the better of her and she decided to do some research.
“May I come in?” asked Holmes peering in the door “or are you too busy for company?”
“I’m never too busy for company.” refuted Miah looking at the clock “Three hours! I’ve been in here for three hours?” one look out the window confirmed that, it was pitch black outside.
“Yup!” answered Holmes in a matter of fact voice as he approached the side of the bed, “I made us hot chocolate.”
“Oh, you’re so sweet!” exclaimed Miah taking the cup being handed to her.
“Watch out,” warned Holmes, “It’s really hot.”
“Okay.” said Miah, a sudden shiver running down her spine, “is it just me, or is it freezing in here?”
“No, it’s not you.” assured Holmes, “the temperature has dropped drastically over the past hour and the blizzard got worse.” He explained nodding towards the window.
Miah looked out, the storm had indeed worsened. The snow was blinding and she could barely see anything beyond the window.
“I’ll go grab some wood and get a fire going.” declared Holmes placing his cup on the nightstand “do you need anything?”
“Maybe a blanket?” mused Miah, “I’m really cold.”
“Sounds good.” remarked Holmes exiting the room. He returned a few minutes later with a large log under one arm and a wool blanket under the other. “Here’s the blanket.” He said placing it beside Miah.
“Thanks.” said Miah looking back up from her computer.  She thought about going back to her research but she couldn’t help but stare at Holmes. His face glowing, from not only the sparks of the fire he was lighting, but from also the smile on his face. She was lucky, lucky to have such a caring friend.
Holmes stood up, having finally lite the fire and turned back around to face Miah just in time to catch her staring him. Her bright, hazelnut eyes connected with his for only a moment before she quickly looked away.
Miah’s head shot back down to her computer and she pretended to still be working. But nothing could hide her blushing cheeks.
“Don’t you think you’ve been staring at that computer long enough?” queried Holmes taking a seat next to Miah on the bed.
“I think the better question is if I found anything interesting.” corrected Miah acting like nothing had happened.
“Okay then,” complied Holmes, “did you find anything interesting?”
“No, not really.” responded Miah, “nothing except these numbers.” She added showing a photo to Holmes, “I thought they might be dates but some are too long or the times of year they could don’t line up with the seasons.”
“Interesting, maybe it’s a code of some sort?” theorized Holmes.
“I don’t know,” groaned Miah, “it’s frustrating me.”
“Well then, I say you take a break and relax for the rest of the evening.” asserted Holmes shutting Miah’s laptop and placing it on the nightstand “You’ll have plenty of time to figure it all out.”
“I guess…” conceded Miah grabbing the blanket Holmes had brought her and wrapping it around herself.
“You know I saw you right?” questioned Holmes after a couple minutes of awkward silence, “I saw you staring at me.”
“And?” retorted Miah, pulling herself up to the head of the bed and leaning against the headboard.
“Why were you staring at me? Inquired Holmes copying Miah’s actions “What were you thinking about?”
Miah’s heart skip a beat. She didn’t know what she had been thinking about. She didn’t even know why she did it. Did she have sentiment for Holmes? And if she did she could she tell him? What would he even think?
“Ummm, I was just thinking about what a good friend I have.” said Miah unsure what to really say, “you know because you made me hot chocolate and everything?” it was a lousy excuse, but it would have to do.
“Alright.” agreed Holmes even though he knew that wasn't the true answer. “Well I could say the same thing about you.” he continued giving Miah a loving smile as he wrapped his arm around her.
Miah leaned against her friend's shoulders and suddenly she felt like she all the courage in the world… “I love you Holmes.” confessed Miah, shutting her eyes in anticipation.
“I love you too Miah.” concurred Holmes, “I love you too….”


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