Why The Hate: Depression and Anxiety

Hello Everyone!

I know that I haven't been on here for awhile, but life has been rather busy with me going on vacation, having weekly existential crisises (is that how you say it?), and most excitingly working on a new short film! I'm still working on editing the film so that's not what I'm posting about. Instead, today I'm here to talk about why there is so much hate in the Christian communitys for those who suffer with depression and anxiety.

Now while I may not know very much about the two scientifically I do know quite a bit about it from personal experiences. And I must say that it pains me to see other young christians out there who are suffering, but can't speak up about it because they're scared about how the people they know will react. As such I am trying my best to speak up against this ridiculous stigma and help others who are feeling just as trapped as I did. And as a beginning to this I have created this "short" video talking about the hate that people with depression and anxiety get as a beginning to trying to break down that wall and help other who are suffering.

Please keep in mind that this video is not meant to offend anyone, it's just meant to point out all the things that I think needs to be fixed in order to help others. Enjoy the video!

Sorry if I seem nervous this was my first time just sitting down and "talking" to the camera and it was a bit intimidating. (Also please read the description of the video, it explains a few things.)

God Bless,
Hannah 💗


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