Hello Again

Hello Everyone,

It's been a while, hasn't it? I was planning on posting a new year's post but clearly never got around to it. Anyways, I hope everyone's year has been going alright. Seriously, this year has been so chaotic. We started out with wildfires, next was a threat of world war 3 (that got turned into a meme?), after that the world went into a pandemic and left us all quarantined with everything we had planned canceled, and now we've got protests... Needless to say, it's been a crazy year so far, and we're only halfway through it.

Anyways, enough of all the gloom and let's talk about for good things that happened this year. To start I've finally finished editing the film I made last year with some friends a little while back. (I'll link it below) Also, I was planning on attending the Christian Worldview Film Festival, but it got canceled. However, I did get to participate in an online film festival of which I did a time crunch and recorded, edited, and submitted a film in just over 2 days. I got no sleep whatsoever and I felt so dead, but the film turned out pretty good and I'm actually proud of it. (I'll also link that below). Basically, I've spent my year and quarantine working on my YouTube channel. I've been making videos on a much more regular basis, and have just been trying to grow that outlet. The idea of YouTube becoming something for me is exciting, so I've been working hard on that...  


In other news, I recently had a 3-week hospital visit in Alberta. Well actually more like a week and a quarter, but the whole stay was 3 weeks long. I had to have my pacemaker, and it's leads replaced... which was traumatizing. I spent almost 5 days in the ICU as I was recovering from the 4 inch cut down my chest. I remember almost nothing about the first two days due to all the pain medications. I do remember having a panic attack at some point during those two days, but I won't talk about that here... The last 2 days were spent in the normal adult's ward and then I was discharged... This summary really makes it sound like the whole experience was barely anything to go through, but trust me, it wasn't. Either way, I'm doing better now, still sore and tired, but better. I might make a video talking about that, but no promises. Oh! I did get to see my friend Joanna again after a year while I was in Alberta. So that was nice. we spent our day literally just chilling and visiting. We did attempt to make a video but was never able to get around to it. We did, however, record a bit of vlog. So that will be coming out sometime in the near future.

Now if any of you have kept up with my Instagram, you'll know that I've also had a friend from Europe stay down here for nearly a year so we got to hang out quite a bit. We went out for quite a few dinners and girl's days before everything shut down. And then once that happened we moved to having sleepovers and just visiting. We got to film some vlogs and videos together which was lots of fun. But she went home recently, which is sad, but hopefully, I'll see her again soon.

Anyhow, I think that's really all I've been up to. The only other things I've been doing is a bit of writing, watching YouTube, drawing, and working on piano stuff. And that's really it. I hope you're all doing well and staying safe during these intimidating times. Love you all and hopefully, I'll talk to you all again soon! 

With Love,
Hannah G


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