
Hello All,

    Wow! Two posts in one day! What is this? Christmas? Lol, nope. It's just me actually having things I want to share. Such as the fact that I've written another Miah Faye York short. Yes, I know it's been a hot minute since I wrote anything. If we're being completely honest, I actually had horrible writer's block for the past year or so, and that has affected my writing terribly. I kept trying to sit down and write stuff, but it would never come out the way I wanted it to. But finally, after what's felt like forever, I  have a story to share. This is meant to be a big moment in a book I'm working on and figured it would be good to try and write it out on its own. I hope you all enjoy it!


Hannah Goodnough 💗


                The rain continued to drum against the school roof a Miah surveyed her surroundings. It was no use; she was stuck with nowhere to run.

            “You know,” began Mr. Roberts, “you hide so much behind that smile of yours.”

            “What do you mean?”

            “Don’t play dumb with me Miah. I know how much you’re hurting. I know just how scared you are of repeating the past.”

            Miah’s eyes widened, “How did…”

            “It was simple. A few questions here, a couple searches there. Honestly, you’d be surprised at how much one can find by a couple phone calls. Especially if those calls are to a certain ‘Stonecrest High’.”

            A shiver ran down Miah’s spine as memories of that place flooded into her mind and she wrapped her arms around her cold, soaked body. “What do you want?”

            “Oh, nothing really,” continued Mr. Roberts. “Just for you to forget about this whole thing and leave me alone.”

            “What’s in it for me?”

            “A normal life!” exclaimed Mr. Roberts waving his arms in exaggeration, “A chance to restart and make the friends you’ve always wanted. That is what you want, right?”

            Miah sighed. Of course, that’s what she wanted. She wanted friends who genuinely cared. But was letting Mr. Roberts get away with his plan worth it?

            “Good friends with no worries of the past. Or do you want them to kno…

            “No!” screamed Miah

            “Great! Then it’s a deal?”

            “No, it’s not.” Stated Miah firmly.

            “But didn’t you just agree?”

            “I agreed to friends, yes. But a normal life? Well, my life hasn’t been normal since it started. Maybe ya should’ve dug a bit deeper into your search on me besides just the first page of Google.”

            “Don’t get smart with me Miah, I ca…”

            “You can what? Kill me?” taunted Miah, “Go ahead, I welcome death. We’re standing on the top of the school.  Why not push me off and make it look a suicide? But oh, that’d be to cliché. And you’re not wearing gloves so all it’d take is a simple fingerprint check for them to find out it was you.”

            “Oh, you think you’re so clever, don’t you?”

            “No, I know I’m clever.”

            “Now that’s rather egotistical don’t you say?”

            “Not egotistical, just good memory.” Said Miah a small grin spreading across her face, “One plus about not having friends is that you notice things. Even the smallest details, like the fact that this is the side of the school the storage shed is on.”


            “Goodbye, Mr. Roberts.” Smirked Miah stepping backwards off the roof.

            “NO!” yelled Mr. Roberts lunging forwards only to miss and flail to a stop as Miah disappeared over the edge.

            Miah groaned as her shoulder hit the wooden roof of the storage shed, a sharp pain shooting through her arm. But she ignored it and rolled off to the ground managing to somehow land on her feet before sprinting across the muddy playground towards the school entrance. Surely someone was in there.

            A loud splash interrupted her thoughts and a quick glance over her shoulder told her that Mr. Roberts had followed suit.

            Miah winced as she shoved the heavy door open, pain surging up her arm, “I definitely broke something” she thought as she frantically looked around. Only to freeze a few seconds later. “No one. No one is here.”

            The front doors slammed open knocking Miah out of her trance.

            “I know you’re in here Miah.”

            Taking a sharp left Miah ran down the long hallway, her shoes squeaking on the tiled floors. After rounding a couple of corners, she ducked into a small janitor’s closet. Her heart was racing and she held her hands over her mouth to try and muffle the heavy breathing.

            “Come on Miah,” Mr. Roberts voice echoed, “I’m going to find you eventually. Just give up. There’s no winning this game.

            Tears began to itch at the edge of Miah’s eyes and she pushed wet hair from her face. She couldn’t give up. Someone would come save her. Esa would be looking for her, right? Sammy maybe? Who knows maybe even Holmes was searching for her?

            “You’re making this all so much harder than it needs to be.” Repeated Mr. Roberts, his steps echoing through the halls, “Listen my offer stills stands Miah. All you have to do is say yes and you’re free to go.”

            Miah held her breath. She could hear Mr. Roberts getting closer and she knew even a dummy would check the closet. So, with her arm still throbbing and her heart pounding, she threw open the closet door and dashed towards the library. The sound of heavy footsteps following close behind her.

            A loud bang, from somewhere in the building startled Miah to the point of almost falling, but she caught herself and continued running. Only to somewhat slow down upon reaching the library.

A quick look around the room told her that no one was in, if the door was locked, as well then this was it. She was trapped.

Miah skidded to a stop just as the library door burst open. Panicked she fumbled with the door handle but to no avail. It was locked, and she was trapped. There was no way to logic herself out of this one.

“It seems that this game of cat and mouse has finally come to an end.” Declared Mr. Roberts as he stopped a few feet away from Miah.

“So, it seems.” Agreed Miah as she slowly turned around.

“I’m giving you one last chance to accept my offer.”

“Or else?”

Mr. Roberts pulled a gun from his jacket and aimed it at Miah, “We take a trip.”

Miah sighed and leaned against the door, allowing herself to slowly slide down to the ground. “You do make a tempting offer.” She concurred, cradling her sore arm and smiling, “But I don’t think they quite like that last option…”


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