I Snow You

Hello Everyone, I know, I know. This should have been out on Valentine's Day, but school got busy and it took me longer than expected to finish writing the story. Oh yeah, I guess I should have mentioned... I wrote a story. A "love story" to exact. I don't how good it is, but hopefully you'll will like it. It's a "Miah Faye York short". Miah is a fictional character I made up several years ago who I'm finally writing stories for. I'm working on an actually book series, but until then enjoy the shorts. Anyhow on to the story. Enjoy! In Christ's Love, Hannah G xoxo <3 I Snow You Miah Faye York sighed as she looked out of the cabin window longingly. It was early spring and there was little snow left on the ground from winter. But despite that she and her good friend, Holmes Christiansen had decided to go on a skiing trip up the mountain. Their friends Bethany and Cody were supposed to meet them up there in two days. However...